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Scientific Library named after M. V. Dovnar-Zapolskiy
About the University
Public information
Structural Units
Separate Structural Units
The policy of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion
University Infrastructure
Faculty of International Economics and Management
Faculty of Marketing
Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology
Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management
Faculty of Finance
Faculty of Economics and Management
Institute of Law
Institute of Information Technologies in Economy
Institute of Distance Education
Information for Applicants
Educational Programmes
Master Programs
Distance Education
Second higher education
Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education named after Anatoly Poruchnyk
Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Department of Scientific Information
Research Institute of Economic Development
Research Institutes
Academic integrity
Prevention of academic plagiarism
Scientific Projects
Reports on the scientific activity of the University
Research with business
Research networks
Periodicals of the University
The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists
KNEU Science Park
Useful information for scientists
Campus Life
Psychological Service
Service of Social Adaptation and Psychological Assistance
Curators' page
Ombudsman for Human Students
Students' Civil-society Organisations
Student Campus
Department of Employment Promotion “Perspective”
Centre of Culture and Arts
Dorohamy do prekrasnoho (Roads to the Beauty) Club
Startup School KNEU
International activities
International relations
Honorary Doctors of KNEU
Membership of KNEU in international organizations and associations
Department of International Academic Mobility
Institute of English-Language Programs
English - Taught Programmes
Information for Foreign Citizens
Admission of foreign students
Scientific Library
Scientific Library named after M. V. Dovnar-Zapolskiy
About library
General Information
Historical background
Electronic informational resources of the Library
Main services
Electronic library
Electronic archive (institutional repository) of KNEU named after Vadym Hetman
Scientific Library
Scientific Library named after M. V. Dovnar-Zapolskiy
12 September 2024р.
latest news
18 березня у Науковій бібліотеці імені М. В. Довнар-Запольського КНЕУ імені Вадима Гетьмана відбувся цікавий захід, присвячений 175-й річниці від дня народження першовідкривача трипільської культури, археолога Вікентія Хвойки.
07 Mart 2025y.
Круглий стіл, присвячений 100-річчю від дня народження відомої дослідниці історії економічної думки України, доктора економічних наук, професора Людмили Яківни Корнійчук.
14 November 2024y.
Захід «Десною зачарований…», присвячений 130-річчю від дня народження Олександра Довженка
12 September 2024y.
До Дня вишиванки
30 April 2024y.
До Всесвітнього деня книги та авторського права
27 April 2024y.
all news
Система управління
сайтом КНЕУ